HelpSpot EE manager

HelpSpot EE manager enables integration of HelpSpot helpdesk software by UserScape into ExpressionEngine. It uses PHP API implementation by Joe Landsman, copyrighted by UserScape Inc (used by permission).

The module is available for EE 1.x only. The version for EE 2.x will be developed when EE 1.x modules goes out of beta.


You will need both Private and Public API enabled in your HelpSpot installation.
Do not forget to set your HelpSport URL, username and password in module settings.

Support issues

Support is provided through devot:ee. Please include screenshots and other important data into your requests.


You will have to provide the module with link to your HelpSpot installation, login and password. You can optionally select to use CAPTCHA for creating requests.


Use as you would use any module :)
The module does not require HelpSpot passwords from customers, as EE authorization should be enough. You can even show requests to non-authorized users, if you like. The only thing you should ask from people is their email or request accesskey.


NOTE: The main difference between private_ and public_ tags is the API that it uses - private or public respectively. Private is intended for staff use and public is for customers. However you might find useful using combination of both. Please also note that some public_ tags still utilize Private API functions, so you'll need to have both APIs enabled even if you intend using only public_ tags.


The tag outputs the form for creating new request

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:public_request_create_form return="support/viewrequest/%%accesskey%%"}

<p><label>Name (required)</label>
<input type="text" name="screen_name" value="{screen_name}" /></p>
<p><label>Email (required)</label>
<input type="text" name="email" value="{email}" /></p>
<input type="text" name="phone" value="" /></p>
<select name="category" id="support-category">
<option value="{category_id}">{category_name}</option>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="urgent" value="1" /> Urgent?</p>

<div id="support-form-custom-fields"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#support-category").change(function() {

<p><label>Message to support</label>
<textarea name="note" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" /></p>


The mandatory fields for the form are:

The other possible fields are:

return parameter can contain special parameters as URL segments:

{categories} is a tag pair that outputs the list of request categories available. It outputs 2 variables:


The purpose of tag is to output the list of custom fields. It's common use would be together with public_request_create_form.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:custom_fields_form category_id="{segment_3}"}

The fields loop must be surrounded with {fields} tag pair.

The category_id parameter is optional. Use it if you need to limit the list of fields to specific category - otherwise full custom fields list will be returned

The variables the tag outputs are:


The purpose of tag is to create a form for user to update, or reply to the request.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:public_request_update_form accesskey="{segment_3}"}
<input type="text" name="email" value="{email}" /></p>
<p><label>Message to support</label>
<textarea name="note" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" /></p>

The only parameter is accesskey - the access key for request to be updated. It is required.

The form fields are (all required):


The tag lets you display request data having access key specified.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:public_request_get_by_key accesskey="{segment_3}" sort="desc"}
<h1>Support request #{request_id}</h1>
<div class="request">
<div class="request-row">
<span>{request_item_author}</span> on {request_item_date format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"}<br />

<p>Attachment: <a href="{file_url}">{file_name}</a></p> {/files}

The accepted parameters are:

The {custom_fields} tag pair lets you output all custom fields provided with initial request

The variables available inside the {custom_fields} loop:

The {items} tag pair loops though all posts in request. Note that only public posts are displayed.

The variables available inside the {items} loop:

The {files} tag pair can be placed inside {items} tag pair to display files attached to the post. It returns 2 variables:

The variables available inside the {items} loop:

There conditionals available inside the {items} loop inclue:

The variables available outside the loops:

There are also conditionals available outside the loops/tag pairs:


The tag lets you display request data having request ID specified.

The syntax and available data are the same that for public_request_get_by_key. Please note that using this tag in your public templates might give anyone possibility to view any request by specifing only its ID, so use with caution.


The tag lets you display the list of requests opened by a user.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:public_request_search email="{email}"}
{if no_results}
<p>No support requests for you</p>
{if '{request_count}'=='1'}
<table class="pm-list">
<tr class="header">
<th width="5%">Request ID</th>
<th width="10%" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">Status</th>
<th width="10%" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">Category</th>
<th width="10%" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">Date open</th>
<th width="65%" align="left">Summary</th>

<td><a href="{path=support/viewrequest/{accesskey}}">{request_id}</a></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">{request_status}</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">{request_category}</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">{request_dateopen format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"}</td>

{if '{request_count}'=='{request_total}'}</table>{/if}


The accepted parameters are:

You need to specify either one of these parameters.

Variables available:

There are also conditionals available:


The tag lets you display the list of requests opened by a user.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:private_request_search email="{email}"}
{if no_results}
<p>No support requests for you</p>
{if '{request_count}'=='1'}
<table class="pm-list">
<tr class="header">
<th width="5%">Request ID</th>
<th width="10%" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">Status</th>
<th width="10%" align="left" nowrap="nowrap">Category</th>
<th width="65%" align="left">Summary</th>

<td nowrap="nowrap">{request_status}</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">{request_category}</td>

{if '{request_count}'=='{request_total}'}</table>{/if}


The accepted parameters are:

You need to specify either one of these parameters.

Variables available:

There are also conditionals available:


Get HelpSpot portal password by providing email address.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:private_customer_password_get email=""}

No variables returned, no closing tag needed.


Get list of user's request by providing email and password. Currently is capable to return only raw data.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:public_customer_requests_get email="" password="paSSw0rd"}

The accepted parameters are:

Does not return any variables, only raw data.


The purpose of tag is to create a form for support staff to update, or reply to the request.

{exp:helpspot_ee_manager:private_request_update_form request_id="{segment_3}"}
<input type="text" name="email" value="{email}" /></p>
<p><label>Message to user</label>
<textarea name="note" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" /></p>

The only parameter is request_id - the ID of request to be updated. It is required.

The form fields are (all required):

Be careful using this tag, it is indended for staff only, not for your site visitors.


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